Products Map
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We Are What We Talk (Audio CD)
The accompanying workbook provides a range of activities, transcripts and answers. The soundtrack is available on audio CD.
We Are What We Talk (DVD)
The accompanying workbook provides a range of activities, transcripts and answers. The soundtrack is available on audio CD.
We Are What We Talk (Workbook)
The accompanying workbook provides a range of activities, transcripts and answers. The soundtrack is available on audio CD.
What are the chances? (Audio CD)
Take a look at some incredible co-incidences. Read what happens when time, place and events come together in ways no-one can believe. You'll be as surprised as the characters in the stories.
What are the chances? (Reader & CD)
Take a look at some incredible co-incidences. Read what happens when time, place and events come together in ways no-one can believe. You'll be as surprised as the characters in the stories.
What are the chances? (Reader)
Take a look at some incredible co-incidences. Read what happens when time, place and events come together in ways no-one can believe. You'll be as surprised as the characters in the stories.
When Things Go Wrong (Audio USB)
Product code: |
30231 - USB |
Beginner reader series. These stories are about difficult situations that happen to four different people.
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