Electrical Installation Planning Learner Workbook Version 1

Electrical Installation Planning Learner Workbook Version 1
Product code 5681
Weight 1,010.00 gm
ISBN 978-1-74236-390-5
Product Type Assessment material
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The Electrical Installation Planning Learner Workbook contains learning activities and tutorial questions. It is intended to help students learn and is not a textbook. The workbook covers; Performance Requirements Design and Safety; Final Sub-circuit Arrangements; Factors Affecting the Suitability of Wiring Systems; Maximum Demand on Consumer’s Mains; Maximum Demand on Consumer’s Mains and Sub-Mains; Cable Selection Based on Current Carrying Capacity Requirements; Cable Selection Based on Voltage Drop Requirements; Cable Selection Based on Earth Fault Loop Impedance Requirements; Selecting Protection Devices; Selecting Devices for Isolation and Switching; Switchboards; Selecting Equipment for Damp Situations and ELV Installations; Special Situations (Construction and Demolition Sites, Caravan Parks); Special Situations (Marinas, Shows and Carnivals); Special Situations (HV Installations, Hazardous Areas) and Documentation.