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MEM18001C Use hand tools – Learner guide
MEM18001C Hand tools is an integral unit of competency in the MEM05, Metal and Engineering Training Package that supports Certificate I to Diploma qualifications. This resource covers a broad range of hand tools used in a variety of general manufacturing and metal trades.
MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operations – Learner resource
MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held is an integral, all-purpose unit of competency in the MEM05, Metal and Engineering Training Package to support Certificate I to Diploma qualifications. This resource covers a broad range of hand held power tools used in general manufacturing and metal trades. You will learn about different types of power tools, be able to select power tools for a given task and how use and apply them safely.
A number of practical projects have been included to support the use and application of this unit as required in metal and engineering industries.
MEM18006C Repair and fit engineering components (Black and White)
This learning resource focuses on applying mechanical engineering and maintenance principles, designated procedures, correct and appropriate tools/equipment, and safe working practices as required by industry.
Also available as a colour print edition as product 5409.
MEM18006C Repair and fit engineering components (Colour)
This learner resource covers mechanical repair and fitting skills including fault finding, repair of faculty components, manufacturing of new parts/components, and fitting mechanical engineering components into assemblies or sub-assemblies to specified measurements and tolerances as specified by manufacturer's specifications.
Moving house (Kit)
Starting to read series. Moving house is a simple recount about Nick and Maria moving into a new house.
Moving house (Reader)
Starting to read series. Moving house is a simple recount about Nick and Maria moving into a new house.
Multimodal and Visual Literacy (Workbook)
CLEARANCE SALE - Discontinued stock
Multimodal and Visual Literacy in the Adult language and literacy classroom - This resource aims to assist teachers to systematically integrate a focus on multimodal and visual literacy into their programming and classroom practice.
Mum's Good Health (free download)
A teaching resource to help non-English speaking mothers to care for themselves and their babies. The units provide information and the contact details of relevant health services. The topics included in this resources are: Becoming a parent, Breastfeeding, Introducing Solids, Child Development, Immunisation, Mental Wellbeing, Sleep and Your Baby, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Healthy Eating , Back pain and The Blue Book.