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MEM07006C Perform lathe operations
This learner resource, MEM07006C Perform lathe operations is a trade stream unit in MEM05, Metal and Engineering Training Package. This learner resource is designed to assist those working in mechanical occupations such as machinists, toolmakers and maintenance fitters to perform lathe operations using a range of attachments and tools as required by industry.
MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing (Mechanical Edition)
This learner resource is designed to assist those working in mechanical occupations such as maintenance fitters, machinists, toolmakers and production staff develop skills to identify and interpret technical drawings and sketches typically used in these industries.
MEM09003B Prepare basic engineering drawing
MEM09003B Prepare basic engineering drawing is a trade stream unit in the MEM05, Metal and Engineering Training Package. This learner resource covers such topics as Australian drawing standards, orthographic projection, how to lay out engineering drawings, dimensioning, sectioning, auxiliary views, lettering techniques and how to read and apply scales to engineering drawings.
MEM12007D Marking off/out structural fabrications and shapes V1
This learner resource is designed to give those working in fabrication/metal construction industries the knowledge to interpret engineering drawings, measure components, codes and symbols and select appropriate tools and equipment required to competency fabricate structural components.
MEM18001C Use hand tools – Learner guide
MEM18001C Hand tools is an integral unit of competency in the MEM05, Metal and Engineering Training Package that supports Certificate I to Diploma qualifications. This resource covers a broad range of hand tools used in a variety of general manufacturing and metal trades.