UEENEEJ153A Find and rectify faults in motors and associated controls in refrigeration and air conditioning systems

UEENEEJ153A Find and rectify faults in motors and associated controls in refrigeration and air conditioning systems
Product code 5629
Weight 700.00 gm
ISBN 978-1-74236-340-0
Product Type Assessment material
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10+ Items AU$31.74
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The UEENEEJ153A Find and rectify faults in motors and associated controls in refrigeration and air conditioning systems learner workbook contains learning exercises, review questions and sample assessment instruments. It is intended to help students learn and is not a textbook. The workbook covers: AC Supply; Three Phase Induction Motors; DOL Motor Starters; Speed Control and Motor Protection; Split Phase, Single Phase Motors and Starters; Capacitor and Shaded Pole, Single Phase Motors and Starters; Series Universal, Electronically Commutated and Synchronous Motors.