CHCAOD408A Assess the needs of clients with alcohol and other drug issues

CHCAOD408A Assess the needs of clients with alcohol and other drug issues
Product code 3039
Weight 346.00 gm
ISBN 978-1-74236-118-5
Product Type Superseded product
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This learner guide will assist community services workers assess the needs of clients with an alcohol and other drug related issue. The resource assumes the learner is currently working in a role where they interact with clients with alcohol and other drug related issues. It also assumes that the learner will have some background knowledge of alcohol and other drug facts and intervention approaches. The resource provides knowledge and skills for workers when: preparing to undertake an assessment; conducting an assessment, including screening; identify those clients needing a referral to another agency or specialist worker; and interpreting and providing feedback following assessment including identifying the client's stage of change. The resource includes samples of assessment proforma, a resource list for further reading and a glossary of terms.

Currency of this resource is not guaranteed.
This resource was designed to assist in the delivery of vocational education and training. It was originally written to the unit of competency code as seen in this resource, however due to changes in training packages and legislation, TAFE NSW through its VETRes cannot guarantee the currency of the content. Trainers and assessors utilising this resource are advised to confirm the content is suitable for their purposes and is compliant with the requirements of the Qualification, Unit of Competency and any relevant legislation.